I am sorry it has been over a week since I have posted a Blog. I have been in and out of Doctor appointments and getting MRI’s, which I hate ! This morning it felt like the huge magnets were going to tear my head apart !!! Not fun at all… I had to get a MRI of my head because there is a tumor sitting on my Pituitary Gland and they are monitoring it.
I wrote a note on my Facebook today after I received a direct message on Twitter that stated, “i think it be best if we keep our friendship surface level.” I really do not have time in my life with Breast Cancer and a Brain Tumor to waist on “surface level” friends…. am I wrong for this ?
Here was my note:
Are we friends ? please read if you are not sure !
I try and learn something new about myself every day... on that same note, "people" tend to revile themselves to me everyday as well... either verbally or by their actions... or inactions... I happen to be going through a period in my life harder than any other I have had to endure. More than any war, or conflict... I have cut myself off from any "outside" pain... I swallowed it all up internally... However, one thing I can not deal with, and never have been able to deal with... is rejection... personal rejection brings me more pain than all of my negative experiences put together! I am who I am... and I will not change that for anyone. I see the world in black and white, and to me, the grey area promotes drama and bullshit... I refuse to live in that zone... nor will I walk on eggshells anymore... I have wasted too much of my life walking on eggshells... If we are mere "surface level" friends... this is not the place for you... feel feel to follow me on Twitter @Dennysworld but I am saving this place "Facebook" for "true" friends... and if you have to think for one moment about if we are "surface level" or true friends, then this is not the place for you. Twitter, YouTube, fine... but not here... This is a place for the friends I love and who love me...
Was that mean ? I look at it this way… I may have a very short time left on this earth… I want to be surrounded by people who love me… is that so wrong ? I need “True” dependable friends at this point in my life and I do not have the energy to waist on “surface level” friends…
I will delete the people on my Facebook that do not consider me a “True” friend…I posted on my Facebook today that: “I am not here for a “popularity contest” and it’s true… I could care less if I only have 5 or 6 friends on Facebook, as long as they are friends I love and that love me…
This is going to be a short Blog tonight…and for that I apologizes… I am not feeling too well today and I am going to bed early tonight…
Peace and Love to all of you !!!
Zoe Page