About Me

- Suicide Queen
- Lakewood, Ohio, United States
- Hello my name is Zoe Page, I am a Transsexual Woman Transitioning from MTF (Male to Female), and I am currently writing, what will become my first published book, "How I Lost The Game Before It Even Started.- A Transsexual With Borderline Personality Disorder" I am an Army Veteran living in Cleveland, Ohio. I have a potpourri of psychological problems including: PTSD, Bipolar One Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Dissociative Disorder. Fun right? I am writing this Blog for my own therapeutic recovery and in hopes that I may be able to help another person suffering with some of the same demons I deal with on a daily basis. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment with your feelings, experiences or questions for me; I will be more than happy to hear from you.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
So sick of it here !!!
We are so sick of the United States and it's bigotry against Transsexuals !!!
Please HELP!!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
New Years 2011-New Years 2012
WOW… this has been one hell of a year to say the least! I have had more up’s and downs this year than in the last ten years of my life combined!
New Years 2011 started off on a good note. I decided, against all odds, to start my Transition from Male to Female. This was followed by a wake-up call Christmas Eve 2010… where I spent from 2am to 5am Christmas morning 2010 writing my goodbyes to my friends and family in a suicide note. (I still have it and will post it when I find it again… we just moved and I have not unpacked everything)
What saved me that morning was a 5am call from a very dear friend, who invited me to share their Christmas morning with them, if only by way of cell phone conversation. Thank you Char, you saved my life!
I was to move in with Char and her son that New Years (2010) However, by not killing myself, and really looking at my life; I decided to do something that I should have done many moons ago. (Transition)
I have been dealing with my Gender Identity since I was five years old…I had made life making decisions to contradict my feelings, and in doing so… wasted more than half my life.
I didn’t end up moving with Char… me transitioning while she still had teenage children in the home would not be a good idea. I would never put that awkwardness on anyone…. so I instead decided on New Years Day 2011, that I was going to start my Transition from Male to Female… and I did….
It wasn’t easy… in fact it was at this time in my life that I found out I had a tumor… Yup, a big Fat Tumor, sitting on top of my Pituitary Gland. This was bittersweet news it turns out. I lost my my hair through treatment, however when the tumor can back; I ended up taking this pill for control of my out of whack Hormone levels. This did two things: One, it caused me to lose over 100 pounds… Two, I found out through continued blood work, I found out I was intersex: in my case: Klinefelter's syndrome, I am XXY.
Through more extensive blood work, I found out that I have been sterile since birth… so who’s kids have I been paying for all these years???? No wonder she never let’s me see the kids… they are not even mine… WELL…. DNA test here we come… no more supporting a whore who has the audacity to have someone pay for her kids for 18 years and not even tell them that the kids aren’t theirs…. and to further mind fuck me… she wouldn’t let me see or talk to them…. (A whole other Blog) See you court this February Gwyn !!!
to be continued -