About Me

- Suicide Queen
- Lakewood, Ohio, United States
- Hello my name is Zoe Page, I am a Transsexual Woman Transitioning from MTF (Male to Female), and I am currently writing, what will become my first published book, "How I Lost The Game Before It Even Started.- A Transsexual With Borderline Personality Disorder" I am an Army Veteran living in Cleveland, Ohio. I have a potpourri of psychological problems including: PTSD, Bipolar One Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Dissociative Disorder. Fun right? I am writing this Blog for my own therapeutic recovery and in hopes that I may be able to help another person suffering with some of the same demons I deal with on a daily basis. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment with your feelings, experiences or questions for me; I will be more than happy to hear from you.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas 2011 was bitter sweet!
So... Jeolene walked out of our bedroom... and I ran up to her and immediately broke down in tears... This was our first Christmas together... however we were both upset at her families "conditions" for Christmas dinner at their home...
1. We had to dress as men
2. We were to be called by our Past "boy" names
3. We did not have any power to negotiate
I of course went ape shit, Jeolene's family has never excepted her... not once in the last eight years of her Transition. My consequences for sticking up for my girlfriend : I was UN-INVITED !
So running up to Jeolene this Christmas Morning sent me into a flood of sobs and tears... knowing of what an uncomfortable event laid before her. Plus having to give up part of our day together... forgetaboutit !!!
But alas ,... things turned out better than she had expected... A small step in her Family excepting her... was worth 3 hours of hell any day.... (THREE HOURS OF HELL= BEING WITHOUT MY LOVE ON CHRISTMAS)
We went out for a Christmas Drive... which will now become a tradition for us...
Upon our return... our neighbors invited us to their Christmas Party...
All in all... Christmas turned out pretty good!
**** Attack and Summer blog still to come ****
I have been so preoccupied with recovering and our move....
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas !!!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Gothic Rebirth
Gothic Rebirth was a total success, regardless of the bullshit from the club owners. Hematosis and the NekroDancers were amazing. Jeolene and I thank you guys and gals from the bottom of our hearts <3
Although the owner of The Phantasy Nite Club (Michele K. De Frasia and Catherine De Frasia) refused to pay us…
Saturday night was still a huge success because Jeolene and I are now engaged to be married !
Saturday night was a moment of weakness on my part... letting a woman like Michele control my emotions, even for a moment was a sign of my weakness... I am a Wiccan who believes in all things LOVE !!! The shock of not having the opportunity to propose to Jeolene in front of all my friends got the best of me last night... and for that I am truly sorry ! Not being paid..... albeit inconvenient .... is only monetary .... The whole meaning of last night was to share my love... not only with my friends... new and old... But to publicly profess my love to my soul-mate. We shared in a Love ceremony under the moon last night .. well early this morning.... and the Gods and Goddess blessed our union.... Blessed Be.
and to the new friends we finally met from Facebook…. we love you !!!!